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This page contains everything you need to know about Oh Dear, including resources such as ready-made content, copy, logos, graphics, testimonials, and a product video. This with the intent to make it easier for you to spread the good word about Oh Dear!
Oh Dear is an all-in-one website monitoring tool designed to make it easy for agencies, developers, or freelancers to monitor their sites with ease. Oh Dear supports everything from uptime and certificate checks to performance monitoring, broken link detection, and even cron job and application health monitoring. Add your sites, set up notification in any which way, create pretty, self-hosted status pages, and you'll be well on your way to keep any and all of your websites running smoothly.
If you're making noise for Oh Dear through social media or otherwise, we recommend redirecting people to this page as your call-to-action. It's got everything for new visitors to sign right up.
Start monitoring for free - Oh Dear
Logos and other media for Oh Dear
Available sizes:
Oh Dear can monitor:
Oh Dear also lets you: